〖 小樊有话说之一 〗
了 解 事 件 的 原 貌
比如,在2020年3月中旬,美国召开了一场关于新冠病毒的会议。但是,通过社交媒体和新闻我们看到,特朗普使用了“Chinese Virus(中国病毒)”这样的词语。
许多人为此感到生气,在推特等社交媒体表达自己的观点。但是后来,我们都知道这样的措辞是会议之前故意被换掉的,原文是“Corona Virus”(冠状病毒,与英文的“中国病毒”发音相似)。特朗普事后告诉记者,之所以会这样做,是为了强调病毒首先在中国被发现,因为当时有谣言说病毒来源于美国。

〖 小樊有话说之二 〗
关 注 身 边 的 世 界

〖 小樊有话说之三 〗
尊 重 多 元 文 化

〖 小樊有话说之四 〗
地 球 是 一 个 “球”


First, the contents in We Media are always biased because they are written by a single person who would definitely include their own opinions in it. The articles and news on the internet aren’t always the whole truth either. An article might only contain a portion of the truth as well as a complete lie to serve its purpose. For instance, in mid-march of 2020, there was a press conference about corona virus in United States. In many news and articles on the internet and social media at that time, it was said that Donald Trump was discriminating China because during the conference he was keep using the word “Chinese virus”. Many people then became angry at him and posted their opinions about it on social medias like twitter. However, the words “Corona Virus” was actually intentionally changed temporarily right before the conference started. Trump told journalist afterwards that it was to emphasize the fact that coronavirus was first found in China because there were rumors that suggest coronavirus originated from United States. If people don’t care about the whole process of events and only get a portion of the truth from the news, their opinions will become more radical.
Second, people my age rarely care about the news and what’s happening around us. We would think that it doesn’t matter to us. However, with the coronavirus outbreak largely disturbing our lives and many other lives outside of China, we cannot ignore it anymore. Every day when we go online, the news on the home page discuss topics related to coronavirus. From the articles I can indirectly know how coronavirus affected people who are different than me. On the internet, there are many reports about working class people who were not earning any many during the quarantine. Most of them were working in service industries. Since people were staying at home, they didn’t have any customers. Many restaurants and other businesses closed down during the quarantine. There were also people who had been infected by coronavirus but were not accepted by the hospital due to the lack of resources. They might die if they do not have a good immune system. These people might seem to be far from us, but the outbreak reminded us that people with such life and us live in the same world.
Third, people with different cultural backgrounds also react different during the outbreak which is inevitable. Although in China all people have to wear masks, most people in United States weren’t wearing masks. People in United States recognize wearing masks as a way to protect others instead of to protect themselves from the virus. This difference is caused by different cultural backgrounds. Other possible reasons are that in United States there might not be enough masks for medical workers if common people also wear masks and the difference between population densities. The population in China is very dense so the government decided to use quarantine to minimize interactions between people to control the outbreak. In some of the western countries the population is sparse and they are more democratic so there are no quarantine. Different histories and geographic factors of each countries and races formed different cultures. We should respect each other’s cultures instead of to deny them.
I believe economic globalization is the connection of economy between countries. It develops along with trade routes and advanced transportations and communications. It urged the creation of international companies and more convenient lifestyle. For instance, the famous FERRERO ROCHER chocolate’s production supply chains contain many different places. The cocoa beans might come from South America, manufactured in factories in Italy and then transported to other countries. Every place on the chain is necessary for people to enjoy the chocolate while their economy will benefit from the production of Chocolate. However, if one of the places’ economy is affected by the outbreak and businesses closed down, it will affect the whole chain. During the outbreak, most of the factories in China closed temporarily. Many international companies needed the components from China to manufacture their products. When the factories in China are closed, the economy in other countries would also go down because companies didn’t have any products to sell and the money would not be flowing swiftly in the market. The development of transportation and communication also cause a shared future for all of mankind.
There is a example of it during the coronavirus outbreak. After the quarantine, the situation in China got a lot better while the situation in other countries was getting worse. Despite the fact that the new confirm cases of Chinese civilians each day was reduced to single digit according to the official report, China still had to face the pressure from the cases imported from abroad. So if any place on earth still has coronavirus cases, it will be a threat to all the other places.
To summarize, this coronavirus pandemic made me realized that as teenagers, we should care about the larger world and learn about different cultures while accepting them.
作者:Bob Fan
中国 · 上海