今天这篇文章是美国寄宿中学The Hun School招生官和申请者的一次模拟面试实录,为了让大家了解到真实的面试过程,我们整理了面试问答内容(英文&中文翻译),以及招生官对学生面试过程的反馈。

招生官Mr. Steve Garrison(The Hun School)

Buster: Hi, I’m Buster, I’m ready for my interview.
你好,我是Buster, 我已经准备好模拟面试了。
Buster: I’m good, how about you?
Steven: I’m fine thanks. So Buster, I just want to get to know you. What do you like to do for fun, what are your hobbies, what do you like to do when you’re not studying?
Buster: So my biggest hobby would be softball, Every Wednesday recently, I would practice softball with my middle school softball team for two and a half hours from 345 to 6 PM after school. This middle school softball team was just stabled this year and we have to put so much effort into this. Me and my friend we try to recruit new members all the time so that we could have a team that’s ready for the game. And for longer times like spring break, my mother and I would usually plan a trip to visit medieval or renaissance sight in France or other countries in Europe. I love visiting castles, palaces, and cathedrals because I’m really interested in them after the first project I did in 6th grade social studies class which is about medieval and renaissance architectures.
我最大的爱好就是打垒球。每周三下午从3:45到6:00, 我都会跟我初中的垒球队一起练习。我们初中的垒球队是今年才建立的,我们投入了很多精力。我和我同学很努力的拉拢其他同学来参加,这样我们才有足够的人数正式打球。如果假期较长,如春假,我会跟妈妈计划一起去在法国或其他澳洲国家参观中世纪或文艺复兴时代的景点。自从六年级我做了一个中世纪建筑的project, 我就爱上了城堡、宫殿和教堂。

Buster: I been playing softball for half a year but I’m super in love with this sport. It’s my friend who brought me into the softball and baseball realm. I started watching games after games just to figure out the rules and after I figure out the rules of softball, I started looking for technique side and trying to learn all the teamwork and techniques from Youtube like the games. So this year, me and my friend, we established the middle school softball team, it’s the first year and it has been really hard because my school is in Europe, and so majority of the student are not really interested in softball.
Steven: Yeah, it’s definitely tough when you only have a few friends that enjoy the same sport that you do but I think it’s awesome that you did start a team for your school. Now I’m going to switch over. You mentioned that you enjoy social studies, so is history your favorite subject?
恩,当你只有几个朋友跟你有同样运动爱好的时候,是会比较辛苦。 Ok, 那我也顺便问你一下,你前面有提到你喜欢social studies,那历史是否是你喜欢的科目?
Buster: Well yes, I love history, social study is indeed my favorite subject and the reason why I really like it is because history, it makes… from learning history, I know why the world is like… this, so from studying history, I actually learn about myself with the present and that’s really the reason why I love social studies.

Steven: Buster, I think that’s a great way to look at social studies and history, you can learn about yourself and learn about the past and that can help with the future. So, is that kind of the reason why you’re looking to come to the United States and a boarding school, because you want to learn more or is there a different reason why you are looking to make this change.
Buster, 我很喜欢你对历史的看法,我也认可学习历史可以对我们自我认知和未来都会有帮助。 你想来美国,想来一所寄宿高中是因为你想学习更多,是这类理由所以你申请美国寄宿中学吗?还是有其他的原因?
Buster: Will there are reasons why I want to go to America for a boarding high school. So First of all, of course, it’s a high school, I want to learn a lot more on an academic side and a great school will definitely provide that with great teacher sources and secondly, the school will provide abundant resources for my hobbies such as softball and… that’s all.
Steven: Alright, that will conclude our mock interview. Buster, you did a great job.
好的,那以上就是我们模拟面试的环节。Buster, 你的表现很棒!

You know only meeting with someone for a short time, there’s a lot of pressure on the student. Buster, you did a great job by right away telling your hobby is softball, and that you go to a school in Europe, and that you love history and I could really see your personality through the answers that you were giving.
对学生而言,在短时间向陌生人展示自己肯定会有压力。Buster, 我很喜欢你一开始就告诉我你喜欢垒球,在欧洲上学,和你喜欢历史。从你的答案中我能看到你的个性。
The hardest part about interviewing especially in this kind of situation is that each school is different. Many times, the student will try to drive or steer an interview into their hobbies and interests but a lot of time the person doing the interviewing is trying to do the same thing, so as long as you are able to go with the flow and not be afraid to answer questions from your heart you will be fine and Buster I think you really did that well. There were times that I could tell you wanted to talk about, when I asked a question about coming over to the US, you talked about the teacher and getting a better education, but when it comes down to it though, all of our schools have that same talents.
对于很多学生来说,最难的就是每个学校的面试过程都不一样。学生面试时常常往自己的活动和兴趣爱好的话题上靠拢,但面试官自己有面试过程中想要达到的目的,所以在沟通中,学生千万不要很僵硬地扭转话题,而是要真心回答每个问题。Buster, 这几点我觉得你都做到了。
But at end of the day, us as admissions administration, we’re just looking at what will sets you apart from the next student. How is your personality, how are you engaging in the conversation, how much are you speaking from heart and portraying your personality through a short 15 minute conversation.
One last thing before I say goodbye, you know it’s very important that you do your research on each school, I know you guys are seeing a lot of different schools, will be seeing a lot of different schools, but remember that we will be interviewing anywhere from 2-5 students a day, each administrator will be taking notes on the interview, so what’s going to sets you apart, what is going to help me remember you 2 months later when we are going over applications, so just remember that when you preparing for your interview.